



so that you will hear me

So that you will hear me 為了使你聽見我
my words 我的話語
sometimes grow thin 有時細得
as the track of the gulls on the beach 如同沙灘上海鷗的足跡。
Necklace, drunkenbell 項鍊,醉酒的鈴鐺
for your hands soomth as grapes 獻給你葡萄般光滑的手。

And I watch my words from a long way off 而我望著自己遠去的話語。
they are more yours than mine 它們其實更屬於你。
they climb on my old suffering like ivy 它們如常春藤般攀爬上我的舊痛。
It climb the same way on damp walls 它們如是攀爬上潮濕的牆壁。
you are to blame for this cruel sport 你是引發這血腥遊戲的罪人。
they are fleeing from my dark lair 它們紛紛逃離我陰暗的巢穴。
you fill everything, you fill everything 你充滿一切,充滿一切。

Before you they peopled the solititude that you occupy 它們先於你居住於你所佔據的孤獨,
and they are more used to my sadness than you are 它們比你更習慣於我的悲傷。

now I want them to say what I want to say to you 現在我要它們說出我想對你說的話
to make you hear as I want you to hear me 為了使你聽見我如同我想要你聽見的那樣。

The wind of anguish still on them as usual 苦惱之風依然捲走它們一如往昔。
sometimes hurricanes of dreams still knock them over 夢的颶風有時仍然將它們推倒。
you listen to my other voices in my painful voice  在我痛苦的聲音裡你聆聽其它聲音。

Lament of old mouth, blood of old supplications 出自原來嘴巴的哭聲,因古老懇求而流的血。
love me ,companion, Don't forsake me. Follow me 愛我吧,伴侶。別棄我。跟隨我。
Follow me , companion, on this wave of anguish 跟隨我,伴侶,在這苦惱的波上。

But my words become stained with your love 但我的話語被你的愛染上顏色。
you occupy everything, you occupy everything 你佔據一切,佔據一切。

I am making them into an endless necklace 我要把它們編成一條無盡的項鍊
for your white hands, smooth as grapes. 獻給你白皙,葡萄般光滑的手。

    聽說 電影 聶魯達
    創作者 克勞蒂亞油膩膩 的頭像


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