目前分類:華府IMTD實習日記 (15)

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*Project Progress*
Last Thursday I attended a speech by David Kang, a renowned scholar on Korea, at Georgetown University. He talked about the East Asia history and its importance in the international relations in general. In East Asia, there was only one major war between China, Korea and Japan. That was the Imjin war in 1592. He asserts the reasons why these powers could coexist peacefully are that China was status quo hegemony and that Japan and other nations did not wish to challenge the order. In fact, the stability of the Chinese tribute system made the countries better off so no nation wanted to change the order of their world.

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*Project Progress*

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*Project Progress*
Last Friday November 16, IMTD hosted the 4th China-Japan Dialogue in the office. I helped organize the event. I used Georgetown University and American University network to invite people and there are indeed some response from Georgetown University. We had 11 participants. There were 3 Japanese, 2 Koreans, 4 Chinese, 1 Taiwanese, and 1 American. Some of them are currently interning in DC; some are either students or scholars from Georgetown University, George Washington University and George Mason University. Hailey Kim, a former intern in spring 2007, came back to join the dialogue. Several of them are returning participants from previous dialogues.

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*Project Progress*

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*Project Progress*

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*Project Progress*

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不過,老闆啊,不要因為我日本韓國論壇辦得太好,在稱讚我的論壇成功的同時,還說既然這麼成功就多辦幾次,嗚,我工作很多耶!I am the victim of my own success. Alas!

*Project Progress*

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*Project Progress*
This Friday is the D-Day; the sixth Japan-Korea Dialogue will take place from 5 pm to 7 pm on Friday, October 12, 2007. Unfortunately, the IMTD email system seemed to have some problems last week. I am not certain whether all the emails got to the intended students. I will need to re-send the emails and get a confirmation as soon as possible.

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*Project Progress*
I finalized the agenda and did a little flyer for the 6th Japan-Korea Dialogue. I am preparing for the dialogue and still need to make sure that the Japanese students will come. I will contact Dawn and the other Korean students.

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*Visit to Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy*
Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy (IMTD) hosted Dr. Susantha Goonatilake on September 12, 2007. He shares his ideas about the perennial conflict and the role of non-governmental organizations in Sri Lanka. First of all, he demonstrated that Sri Lanka is situated in the nexus of the trade routes for Asia and Islam world. In the history, Sri Lanka has been an important port and trade station for the foreign fleets. People from various ethnic groups and of different religions have been living in harmony. According to Dr. Susantha Goonatilake, 80% of Tamils live among the Sinhalese. He stated that there is no conflict on a people to people basis. For example, all the people went to the Buddhist temples to seek for help and comfort no matter what religion they have. The temples took care of everyone who came and asked for help. From the structural level, the conflict was introduced from Southern India. However, he did not define the root cause of the conflict.

As to the role that foreign non-governmental organizations can do in Sri Lanka, Dr. Susantha Goonatilake asserted that the countries which tried to do good to Sri Lanka actually fueled the conflict while he recognized the contribution of NGOs like CARE, one of IMTD partners. Norway has given humanitarian aid in Sri Lanka. Nevertheless, he argued that there is proof that Norway funded the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Norway and the other foreign NGOs arrived in Sri Lanka and they get in touch with the intermediary group instead of the public. The information is filtered and selected by the intermediary group, and this forms the information and the news people get from the TV in the Western countries. He called this relationship between the NGOs and the selected groups “Neo-colonial relationship,” which is the topic he explored in his book, Re-Colonisation: Foreign Funded NGOs in Sri Lanka.

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*Project Progress*
I attended a conference on Monday, 24 September 2007. The topic was “Right-sizing the People’s Liberation Army.” Although it is mainly a military subject, I still learned quite a lot and I think the information will be useful for the China-Taiwan Dialogue. First of all, the project was a collaboration of think tanks, individuals, the military and the private sector. The private sector made it clear that the study was to estimate and evaluate the military expansion and capability of China, and this study is important to avoid the military misunderstanding and conflict between the US and China. Secondly, Taiwan-US relationship is the focus of the Chinese military because China sees Taiwan Strait as the most potential and imminent armed conflict in the future.

As to the networking, I am not very successful with the Japanese students at SAIS last week. I will need to find the Japanese Student Associations in Georgetown University and George Washington University. I am still working on the flyer and the detailed agenda.

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*Project Progress*
I am hoping by the end of this week I can finalize the agenda and do a flyer for the Japan-Korean Dialogue. The Dialogue will take place on October 12, 2007. I now have asked around the students whom I met and talked about the mission of IMTD. It seems that a lot of foreign students are interested in what we are doing so it is a good start.

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*Project Progress*
Hailey cannot come to office on Monday as scheduled for she cannot finish her paper. I do not have access to the database which Tammy briefly mentioned about. I will establish my own contacts. For the Japan-Korea Dialogue, I have talked to several Korean students so far. They are not IR students; they will be able to provide some inputs different from IR students. They are interested in IMTD. Don, the American PHD student, showed interests to come. I will do the follow-up.

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*Project Progress
I am gathering some ideas for the dialogues now. I will do the Japan-Korea Dialogue in late September because the last dialogue was about China and Japan. The Cross-Strait Dialogue will be in October and the China-Japan Dialogue will be in November.

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