Well, it is the song that perfectly embodies my mind.
Sometimes I feel so insecure that I cannot stop thinking of Jason's conduct.
He never calls me. I don't call him either.
Perhaps we are just a weird couple.
However, I would be dubious.
He went to have dinner with a girl, but he didn't let me know it was a girl.
He told me that he went to night market last night with a classmate.
I can't stop imagining it was with his No. 2 girlfriend that he went to the night market.
Ya, I know. I should trust him.
I am just afraid.
What if he is another my ex?
My ex have several affairs when we are still a couple.

Really been fed up with all this.
I need love. However, I don't want all these jealousy and guessing.
I hate being in love with all these disturbing emotions.
Can we NOT just simply in love?

I hate this, but I do like Jason.
Don't wanna break up.

討厭愛上了你 被否定我存在意義
事事遷就你 悶死我自己 太虛情假意

討厭愛上了你 要我苦苦壓抑委屈
為了在一起 裝著不在意 這太沒骨氣

半夜 我又失眠 聽著DJ放的爛音樂
像在嘲笑我 最近的戀愛不順利

寂寞 的兩點半 決定上網尋找一點Fun
對誰 管他什麼名或姓 總比跟你好談

今天星期幾 冷戰還繼續
全因為是你說過 愛情是消遣品

我在你哪裡 眼底或心裡
這麼多的不安定 愛怎麼繼續

討厭愛上了你 被否定我存在意義
事事遷就你 悶死我自己 太虛情假意

討厭愛上了你 要我苦苦壓抑委屈
為了在一起 裝著不在意 這太沒骨氣
I can't feel your love. I can't feel it.

半夜 我又失眠 聽著DJ放的爛音樂
像在嘲笑我 最近的戀愛不順利

寂寞 的兩點半 決定上網尋找一點Fun
對誰 管他是誰 總比跟你好談

今天星期幾 冷戰還繼續
全因為是你說過 愛情是消遣品

我在你哪裡 眼底或心裡
這麼多的不安定 愛怎麼繼續

討厭愛上了你 被否定我存在意義
事事遷就你 悶死我自己 太虛情假意

討厭愛上了你 要我苦苦壓抑委屈
為了在一起 裝著不在意 我乾脆放棄

愛走不下去 I can't feel your love. I can't feel it.
討厭這樣的愛 別想我會被你傷害 我先甩掉你


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