December 5th, 2009
OK, again, I only bought it because of the title. Haha. Seriously speaking, it's a huge adventure to move from Australia to France. I wish I could too!

25 June 2011
I finally took a whole afternoon to finish this book. The pictures and the depiction of life in Normandy make me so happy and very eager to go to the citis in Normandy.

However, there are so spelling mistakes either in French or in English which make me very disappointed. I do not know the original text, but this shows the author or the translator did not do their homework. Quite disappointed with these small mistakes. Judging from the translation, I think the translator does not speak French. I think it would be better if the translator also speaks French fluently. The book will be better translated. That is myt personal suggestion.

The recipes are very tempting. The dishes and desserts are so yum. Hope I can do the same delice someday.

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